16 – An Intervention

As you certainly noticed, dear Reader, I am a sweet, peaceful creature, but when listening to the woeful tale of the Tyrex, my brow got more and more furrowed. I mean, enough is enough. I mean, first laughing at Muffin because she’s a beautiful hamster, then, calling the Tyrex a…a …. I can’t even repeat […]

12- The Healthy Dinner

Jimmy’s birthday was soon organized. Aunt Patricia was there, so was Maurice, and there was what, to my untrained eyes, looked like a swarm of kids of Jimmy’s age, hastily dropped off by apologetic parents. The thing only lasted a few hours, so I’m told, yet I’m quite definite those hours each had 60 hours […]

11- Muffin worries me

The walk in the slush with Muffin did nothing to alleviate my fears. She did look tired, and somehow sagging at the corners, and only vaguely resembled the energetic, joyful Muffin I was used to. Her vivacity was all wrong and sounded so fake it was heartbreaking. How did I not notice it before? That […]