17 – All’s Well that Ends Well

Spring had arrived, at last. 

The temperature where oscillating towards comfortable, noses where working again, the air smelled of fresh leaves, and of whatever had been rotting under the snow. It was that time of year where you hesitate before going out… Should I take a hat? A scarf? Gloves? No? I can just… go out? And so you do, happily shivering in the exceedingly wet rain.

It was the very week where buds stood, winking, on the trees, and some young timid leaves were appearing on the sunny side of the street, while the other side still shrunk under the rain.

Birds were screaming loudly. Very thin squirrels were hungrily attacking you if you had a sandwich. Grey snow was still lurking in corners, yet green was slowly starting to win the war against black… 

Spring had arrived, at last.

The whole gang was assembled in Maurice’s backyard for the ceremony of the first Barbecue of the Year. Voices and beers were spiralling in a comfortable, friendly hubbub.

“Are you sure it’s an aubergine, Tyrex? It looks like a weird clam! And it smells like one, too!

-That’s when I shouted NOT THE FORK, GERALD, NOT THE FORK!

-Thor wouldn’t really do a Barbecue, more a giant roasting, but Captain America would definitely hold the grill.

-Who wants a cold one?”

A little voice interrupted the brouhaha with a joyous “Hi Guys!”, and everybody cheered as Muffin and Jimmy came into the muddy garden. 

“Mama made muffins! clamored Jimmy. Who wants some?”

There was some arguments, as some claimed muffins could only be eaten as a dessert, while others were of the opinion that it was a free country and we could eat muffins at any time. I could also see some hesitation from the Tyrex and Charles, so I advanced and took one. 

It was small, much smaller than it used to be.

Smaller than Jimmy’s head, this time!

I took a bite. Silence fell. Everybody was watching me.

They were back to their past sumptuous deliciousness, and I publicly proclaimed my approval by saying:

“Amazing!! Just… perfect!! So good!” and so on, with my mouth still full. 

Everybody gobbled them after that, and Muffin laughed:

“Oh my, they are going away quickly! You see, I made them smaller, it’s more reasonable like that, isn’t it?”

We acquiesced.

“Mwwwwuuuffin” said the Tyrex in a strangled voice, and, with one muffin squashed beneath his huge jaws, he jumped on Muffin and hugged her. We all joined in, of course, then there was an awkward time when we tried to get out of it with some dignity, especially as Maurice had gone in holding the barbecue fork with a sausage on it, had lost the aforesaid sausage in the scrum, was accusing the Tyrex of the theft when everybody could see that it was precariously dangling on Maurice’s cap.

Sausage thief! You should be ashamed!!

“How’s that new gym, Muffin? I asked when the sausage was saved and the Avengers Barbecue debate had started over.

-Good!! I’m going twice a week, it’s a good place. I finally got out of the contract with the Big Bad Gym, and you know what, I’m feeling much happier since I don’t have horrible weasels making fun of me. It’s hard to accept it, but I realize I’m a hamster. I just have to be careful and be a healthy hamster – yes I know Blue, I am a beautiful hamster, thank you – anyway I’m eating quite well, trying out new recipes, and I have tons of energy!! So I was thinking you know, maybe I could try you know, some other hobby…”

At that, she stopped and hollered at Charles. He ambled towards us, looking worried.

“Charles, I’ve decided I’d like to join your writer’s group! I’ve even started to write a nice romantic novel! Would you, like, help me with that?”

I purposely avoided Charles desperate glances and slowly glided out of the conversation.

All is well, I thought, that ends well, or so it seems. Except maybe, for Charles… However, that’s quite another story!