10- What’s wrong with Muffin?

February went by before we could say “freeze”, then March arrived and pretended it was January. I didn’t see Muffin much during those months, even though I knew she was still going to the Big Bad Gym 2 or 3 times a week, as she posted a very positive, hyper post on facebook every time she was there – which I evidently liked, as a good, supportive friend. She asked me to accompany her a few times, but I kept putting it back… I had a coffee with her once or twice, during which she talked in great detail of what she couldn’t eat and the effect of the “Weight-shedding” smoothies of the gym, and she seemed chirpy enough. However, as March showed its usual oscillations between winter, and more winter, I realized I hadn’t seen her for longer than five minutes in a while, so I decided to do something about it.

“Muffin! I said, it’s been too long! Why don’t you come with us for ramen this week?”

To which she answered she didn’t eat ramen, because it was too fat. I had to readjust my way of thinking to the new Muffin, and finally suggested a walk in the slush on Sunday – proposition to which the old Muffin would have balked at with hauteur, but which the new Muffin agreed to eagerly.

“Muffin didn’t want to come for ramen, I told the guys when we had the delicious bowls in front of us. Have you seen much of her lately?

-Not much, no, but she seems in an extreme good mood, said Charles, waving his chopsticks meaningfully. And I mean extreme!

-Is she? wondered Maurice. She bit my head off last Tuesday, and shouted at me in the most dreadful way!!

-What had you done, Maurice? I asked, while trying to contain a small sigh.

-Me? exclaimed the accused in a hurt tone. Nothing!!

-Not nothing, corrected Charles. You had “borrowed” her Switch and “forgotten” it was hers, if my memory serves me right.

Charles always manages to stay classy…

-She doesn’t use it!! You know she doesn’t use it!! moaned Maurice. And I was playing Zelda!!”

The other guys commiserated with low grumbles. Maybe you don’t know it, dear non-gamer Reader, but Zelda is sacred.

“Anyway, went on Maurice, she could have asked, you know, nicely, instead of screaming those horrid things.

-Her response to this rather slight provocation was indeed, disproportionate, acquiesced Charles.

-I’m not a low-grade thief with a butt face, added Maurice, who looked understandably still sore about the scene.

-I meant her screaming was rather loud, never said she was inaccurate”, chuckled Charles.

Let’s be fair, he does have rather small arms…

The Tyrex stopped his loud slurping long enough to say audibly:

“Honest, she’s so ecstatic all the time, it gives me the heebie-jeebies!”

They all opined.

I stayed here, chopsticks in the air, a napkin held in front of me (I always splash myself copiously when eating ramens), and frowned deeply for a few minutes.

The napkin is here to protect me from splashes, obviously

“Wait, guys, are you trying to say that something is wrong with Muffin?

-Damn right something is wrong!! said Maurice with feeling. She looks sick and dejected, and when you talk to her, she sounds like a maniac mechanical happy Barbie or something! She only ever talks about two things: her diet and her gym! She shouted at me and my digestion was upset for weeks, seriously, last Thursday I had onions and I am still tasting them right now! Also, I am NOT a scrotum-shaped egotistical monster depriving a sweet child of his Christmas gift!!”

To which Charles and the Tyrex dutifully retorted “Yes you are!”.

I didn’t. My heart wasn’t in it. I was worried.