The Rambling Blue Owl is 1 year old today!!! 12 months and 25 posts, both in English and French!
O dear reader, all the things we’ve been through together!!
We’ve been to Hell and back in the beautiful plains of Iceland…

You’ve watched me adopt a pet Xenomorph.

You followed me to a Single’s Party, then on a Date with a Wolf!! (now that last one is obviously pure fiction)

You sobbed while reading a poem about a basil plant being tortured (you didn’t remember that one, did you??) and hummed at a rewrite of Deck the Halls for Christmas… (or that one?)

You’ll always know what to do when autumn comes, thanks to a very handy guide for Fall excursions, and how not to throw an apple.

You’ve learned the true uncensored truth about the Pigs in our Untold Story of the Three Little Pigs. Some of you subsequently forbid me to read a story to your child ever again.

You may be wary of ice-climbing after reading how I’ve got slyly battered by a cliff. Still, you learned something about limpets.

You’ve been on a train trip towards the Pacific Ocean with the White Owl and I.

You learned many interesting things about Alpine Hiking.

What is to come?
The Pacific trip is not over yet! You’ll discover the long Pacific beaches with us, then go to Whistler and see some mountains…
Talking of mountains, you’ll have a detailed report of the dramatic adventure on Mount Washington, Winter Edition with InspireA+.
I will also tell you the story of my backpacking trip in the Canadian Rockies…
And last, but not least, we are very happy and excited to announce Muffin’s Muffins, our first Everyday Owl Story, with old and new characters having thrilling adventures!
To celebrate our first year anniversary, we want to shower you with gifts, because you are our Dear Readers, and the reason why we keep drawing and writing. We do it for love. At least, I do it for love. The Tyrex does it for fame and money. So write to us, either on the website, facebook, privately, publicly, send us a carrier pigeon or a telegram, tell us what made you laugh, what you liked, what you want from us, why you read us, or just hello, and you’ll have a chance to win one of our wonderful gifts!