Public Announcement: The First Rambling Blue Owl Story!!

Dear Reader,

I know it’s been long, too long! Why so long, do you ask? Well, I have been a-rambling a lot this spring and summer, and more importantly, the Tyrex and I have been working hard on preparing something really special: our first Rambling Blue Owl Story!!

So let’s have a fictional conversation about that.

Nice, Owl, but tell me, what’s a “Rambling Blue Owl Story”? 

It’s a full illustrated story with the characters you know and love (and some new ones!).

Our plan is to publish it in weekly chapters, and if there is any interest, to make a (real, or/and electronic) book once it’s completely published.

Ooooh, like in Dickens’s time!

Yes, exactly like that! I hope you’re going to like it, we are really looking forward to try this new format.

What’s the story’s name?

The story is called “Muffin’s Muffins”

And what is it about?

Muffin the Hamster asks for the Owl’s help as she wants to start exercising.

The road to a healthier lifestyle does not run smooth, even with the support of friends and family. Indeed, it looks like a Montreal road, with potholes the size of a bathtub, construction blocking the neighborhood, and lots of traffic cones… Metaphorically, of course.

I’m afraid you’ll have to get used to the “Tyrex has little arms” jokes…

How can I receive each chapter as soon as it’s published?

You can subscribe to this list, and I’ll send you the new chapter directly to your inbox:

As you know, most posts on social media get lost in the crowd pretty easily, so if you want your weekly chapter, go on and subscribe! 

Does that mean you’ll stop writing about your travels?

No, of course not! There will be a serie about beautiful, mystical Scotland, where I spent three perfect weeks in May, and posts on other adventures!!

During Bluebell season…

That’s exciting!! When will the publishing of all this start?

Soon, very soon!! And, to be more precise: soon!

Questions anyone?