Who and what is this Rambling Blue Owl? The Owl writes mostly about her travels, starting with her trip to Iceland. She is definitely not an adventurer, nor a thrill-seeker. She is a regular everyday Owl who dreams a lot, walks around, and writes about it. Is this just another travelling blog? Yes, and no. […]
Author: RamblingBlueOwl
Behold, ladies and gentlemen, the story of my great trip to Iceland. This was redacted more than one year after the facts, so it’s quite possible that time blurred some memories… Especially the troll attacks. It may have been a dream or too much Brennivin*… *Brennivin is a tasty Icelandic aquavit I tried to use […]
To the Door of Hell
Dear readers, Here is the wonderful story of this time I went to Iceland, visited Reykjavik, and did a 5 days trek around the Hekla. This is not a guide, dear reader, more a tale, and it is definitely useless. I hope you’ll smile, and wonder, and maybe want to visit Iceland. Still, for […]